What sells best on Facebook marketplace

As it’s a wise decision to make this high-traffic Facebook platform a marketplace for your products, it’s similarly important to know what sells best on the Facebook marketplace.

facebook marketplace

Most people find Facebook only as a place to catch up with friends and share photos or spend their time scrolling through some mind-cracking jokes. But if you are special and see it as one of the best marketplaces for your business items to sell out, then this article is going to help you a lot.

So today we will flash out what are the top-selling items on the Facebook marketplace to you. 

Want to make Facebook the best place for your business items to sell out? Here you go. Check out the best selling items on Facebook Marketplace.  

What should be considered in selecting the best things to sell on the Facebook marketplace?

What sells best on Facebook marketplace

Well, practically you can sell any item on Facebook Marketplace. But the question is how you can know and find the best items for you to sell on Facebook?

For your convenience, here are cited some basic key points that you should consider before jumping to sell any items on Facebook. 

Selling Items On Facebook Marketplace
  • Product research.
  • Profitability.
  • Demand.
  • Competition.
  • Focus on new trends and popular items.
  • Consider seasonal products.
  • Keep normal and everyday items.

 5 Best-selling Items on Facebook Marketplace:

Actually, all of the products that sell on Facebook marketplace have been grouped into two types-

  • Commoditized products: The units for production are identical in the case of commoditized products. There is a high demand for these goods on Facebook indeed.
    • Some of the examples of commoditized products are fashion accessories, jewelry, clothes, and so on.
  • Differentiated Products: If you own a personal and unique company or business, you better choose differentiated products. These are normally specific to a particular brand.
    • Examples of differentiated products are painting handmade vases or vintage products, and any type of creative artwork. 

If you are having a business, you should option for both of the communized and differentiated products to maximize your ensured profit. 

Now for your ease in selecting the best things to sell on Facebook marketplace, here are presented some of the top selling items on Facebook marketplace-

Read: How to Contact Facebook for Support: Complete Guide

Fashion and Clotting Accessories on Facebook Marketplace: 

In recent days, since the fashion trends are moving at the fastest pace in the young shoppers, fashion accessories are holding one of the top most popular categories to sell on Facebook.

In this case, you must look for the top trends and list the items as per research. Let’s look at some best-selling items from the fashion and clothing category-

  • Scarves: There are multiple varieties of fantastic scarves available on the internet. That’s why people are constantly searching for their favorite Grace Kelly or Italian or Cashmere branded beautiful scarves on social platforms. Therefore, if you can provide them, it would ensure a good amount of profit for yourself. 
  • Sunglasses: There is a good demand for sunglasses as well.
  • Boots and backpacks: To embark on Adventures, supplements like boots and backpacks have become a top trend. 
  • Neon-ruffed sleeves: If you are a fashion designer, you can reintroduce some exaggerated colors or Silhouettes to ensure maximum selling and profit. 

Baby clothes and toys on Facebook Marketplace

For children’s items, Facebook has been well known for a long time. The parents are now looking for their baby’s clothes or any kind of special toys on Facebook.

If you are thinking of adding the Facebook marketplace to your selling option, it is truly going to be one of the best decisions ever taken in your business career. Most especially when you are planning to sell baby products. 

You can easily sell any baby toys which are handmade or commercial locally just by creating a page or group.

Remember, the name of your platform should be something attractive to the children and the parents.

Besides, by setting up shipping for your niche too, you can easily promote and sell your business items faster to any region of the globe. But Facebook will charge 5% of your sale herein as a market fee. 

Handmade Items on Facebook Marketplace:

If you are having a plan to create your own business platform and want to start it with differentiated products, then you better choose this option.

The experts highly recommend creative persons to start selling handmade items on the Facebook marketplace. Because people possess a tendency to buy original products by convention.

So if you have a good sense of creativity and skill, you can utilize that and make money by selling handmade items on the Facebook marketplace. 

People always support handmade businesses whenever they can. You can sell Jewelry, handcrafted fragrances, handcrafted items, painting, DIY materials and so on.

As you should not limit yourself to a certain boundary, it is totally up to you, where you can put the best effort to grow your personal business and stand on your own toes as well. 

Electronic Appliances:

By this time, the types of items we chose to add on our list are the electronic appliances. This category has suddenly become popular on the Facebook marketplace.

Perhaps, with the rapid growth and development of technology and science people are becoming more attracted and passionate about buying different sorts of electronic products online. 

Everything from the old and unused products to the new items can have a good sale on Facebook marketplace.

If you are thinking that your personal mobile phone or laptop is getting old or giving trouble while using it, you can easily bring them out on different local groups or pages to sell out.

Besides, by selling new items like phone lenses, music cassettes, laptop skins, cameras, e-sports, and many other electronic appliances on the Facebook marketplace you can effortlessly start your first business. 


Don’t get surprised! Yes, you can also sell your used or any new vehicle on the Facebook marketplace.

Nowadays, people tend to prefer buying vehicle items online rather than from any real dealer shops. The reason is that they can avoid the dealer fees while buying any vehicles from online marketplaces like Facebook, eBay, Craigslist and so on. 

Most especially, recreational vehicles are more popular on the Facebook marketplace. So if you want to be more specific, you can assuredly focus on this criterion.

But remember, in this case, you will have to bear the sensitivity of shipping problems. But as of current situations, the shipping method has become so easy that one can easily sell anything from tiny items to large vehicles across the world.

Considering the points thereof, you can undoubtedly add this item to your list of the best things to sell on the Facebook marketplace. 


Should I buy from Facebook marketplace?

Yes, you can buy without any hesitation. But must contact the seller before buying any products. If you suspect the seller is a scam then report to Facebook.

sells best on Facebook marketplace

How much does it cost to sell on Facebook Marketplace?

Individuals can sell on Facebook Marketplace for free, and there is no fee to join Facebook or Facebook Marketplace. As a merchant on Facebook Marketplace, you will be charged a 5% fee on all transactions, with a minimum charge of $0.40.


As I said earlier, anything can be sold on the Facebook marketplace but these five categories are on the hot-list at this moment.

If this article helps you a bit in addressing the hassle of choosing the best-selling items on the Facebook marketplace, then make sure you share the piece with others. 

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